Monday, December 9, 2013

[NEW] Free BitCoin Method!!1000% working!!

Go to this link:

Yes its a refferal ,and i dnt think u would get died if u reg through my refferal :)
If u register through it u and me both will get the benifit if u knw well so :)

1. Sign up

2. Claim your free BTC

3. Now move over to MULTIPLY BTC 


5. Slide the dragger to 49x


Copy/Paste this code into the console tab: 

var minValue=1E-8,maxLoss=10000000000000,aimedProfit=10,maxOps=500000000000000,endResult=0,ops=0,bet=function(a,b,c){$.get("?op=double_your_btc&m="+(b?"lo":"hi")+"&stake="+a+"&multiplier=2&jackpot=0",function(d){d=d.split(":");$("#balance").html(d[3]);c(a,b,"w"===d[1])})},martingale=function(a,b,c){c||a>=maxLoss&&0!==maxLoss?(b=!b,newValue=minValue):newValue=2*a;endResult=c?endResult+a:endResult-a;console.log((c?"+":"-")+a);ops++;(ops<maxOps||0===maxOps)&&(endResult<aimedProfit||0===aimedProfit)?bet(newValue,b,martingale):
(console.log("Martingale finished in "+ops+" operations!"),console.log("Result: "+endResult))};martingale(minValue,!1,!1);

After this just hit enter and wait to see your BTC multiply.

(It's not very fast, but this website is legit and will payout!) (Just keep a tab open and keep checking up on it!)

Just hit enter and copy paste the code again and start again!

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Bsnl New 3G Vpn Trick [Pc] - November 2013

Bsnl New 3G Vpn trick for 2013, which works all over India. Check for your state also and mention about it in the comments . These Tricks are never been posted on internet before this..Features Bsnl New 3G Vpn trick for 2013:

· No registration required

· Working with g8 speed

· Based on tcp 443

· Working at both 2G and 3G

How to Configure Bsnl New 3G Vpn Trick in Pc:

Download BSNL TCP VPN Config:-

Or Alternate link

· After downloading this config and NMD VPN just Install the VPN.

· Now replace the downloaded config file in the NMD VPN : Program Files folder.

· Run the NMD VPN as 

· Just connect it.

· The connection will be established instantaneously.

Monday, October 21, 2013

How To Protect Registry From Viruses

Hiii this post will guide you how to protect registry from virus but first for those who don't know what that 'registry' means read below

  • Registry: What is this??

Windows Registry is the tool which stores all such vital information about the programs and is managed by Windows Operating Sysytem. 

  • How To Access Registry??

Step 1) Press Ctrl + R

Step 2) Type " regedit" And press "Enter"

  • Why To Protect Registry???

Registry is very important program of Windows OS, the malicious softwares installed on your system tries to harm the working of system in many ways

Which majorly results in slow speed of system

  • How To Protect??

You can download " Registry Alert " to protect registry
It is free so you don't have to pay for it. When a program will try to modify settings of registry, it will prompt you with a Yes or No, if the program is trustworthy then allow it if not then choose No

Download Link: